Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm a slim guy who wants to put on some muscle?

I'm slim and fit, but don't go gym cos quite far, my mate goes the gym who lives across road and when said we can go together, he was abit of a prick about!! So if i join i'm gonna have to get bus and go on my own.

Okay well i'm 5'8 tall and about 10 stone, im quite strong but wanna put on some weight, so best thing to do is weights right? i dont know if i brought my own what size i'd need. So might just join.

So with doin weights what else do i have to do. how longs it take to see a change ?I'm a slim guy who wants to put on some muscle?
Lifting weights is probably 30% of adding muscle. The rest is eating the right foods. If you want to gain muscle mass, you have to almost double the amount of food you would normally eat in a day, and it has to be healthy food!

-Salmon, Tuna, Chicken, Steak

-LOTS of vegetables and fruits (raw is better) If you need to cook them, steam instead of fry

-Stay away from white flour products such as white rice, white pasta or white bread.

-Instead, eat whole grain products.

-Protein is very important when putting on muscle. The fish, poultry and red meat contain lots of it, but you can even go as far as to supplement protein through a protein shake. Make sure it doesn't contain any weird ingredients or hormones. The ';Torch'; line of workout products is what I use, and they can be found at www.marketamerica.comI'm a slim guy who wants to put on some muscle?
Alright, mate.... Given your stated goals, you probably want to put emphasis on weight training with just a little cardio/interval training to aid in burning off the fat.

Essentially the rule I know is this.... Hypertrophy (building of muscle mass) is done with low reps and more resistance. That means you aim at lifting weights that are challenging to get 8 repetitions done with good form. And you aim for 2 or 3 sets of each. Another tip.... Use compound movements (movements that involve more than one joint).

A good place to look for workout ideas.... Men's Health and/or Men's Fitness (UK has a version of each magazine online as well).

Another thing to consider is how often you want to go to the gym or get a workout in. If you only go 3 times a week, you will want to consider one kind of schedule for lift exercises. If you want to go 5 times a week, you would want to choice another workout structure. All so you get the major muscle groups, but you give yourself at least 1 days recovery for each muscle group you work.

Hope that helps some. Be well.
it depends what your outlook is. there are alot of great suppliments out there that are safe to use and will help you gain overall mass along with muscle. I myself use half of a serving of creatine (for muscle growth) before i work out and after drink whey protein to help repair muscle as well as add bulk to them. If you want to go a more natural route, your diet is very important. Meat and protein are very important to adding bulk. however you have to make sure that you do not eat and then not put these foods to use. eating steak and chicken 3-4 times a week is great for you as long as your not for instance eating and going right to bed. a good weight gaining diet that has worked for me is

1) breakfast: protein mix shake / eggs or some sort of fibrous thick sit in your stomach cereal.

2) lunch: i usually try to get a salad with alot of steak or alot of chicken on it and if you can like a potato or some sort of starch.

3) dinner: go easy and try to have a baked potato or pasta but not so much that you feel sick.

along with this exercise is very important. putting these foods to use is key to making you gain weight properly. for working out so things like squats and heavier lifting. smaller weight and things like running will not build the muscle to where you want it to be. after a couple weeks you should notice that you are starting to gain weight but its not like a stomach bulging weight gain, you will just start to notice a thicker heavier build which is what i am presuming you are looking for. and as always if you have questions just search the internet.

one last thing. if you do not want to go to the gym i suggest maybe looking online for a cheap used bowflex, a bench set, and maybe a couple heavier 45-65 lb dumbells. this will make for a great complete gym that you can have at home. Hope this helps!
Sit ups and Pull ups. That is surprisingly a great and simple answer.

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