Monday, June 6, 2011

How can I move my baby out of my bed?

My son is almost 6 months old and sleeps in my bed with me and I want to move him out. We have a good bedtime routine - 8.20pm change, massage, sometimes a story, milk, bed and I have no trouble putting him down in his cot. But at some point between 11pm-2am he will wake up and WILL NOT go back to sleep in his cot. I use a dummy, rock him, sing to him back to sleep etc but after 5 mins he will always wake up crying again. I've done this for an hour at times, but the only way he will sleep is if I have him in my bed and he drops off straight away. He's still in my room as I don;t have a spare room until I move hose in a month's time - should I wait til I move house and he's in his own room? He also wakes for a feed at about 3/4am and then is awake for the morning at about 6am. Any advice?How can I move my baby out of my bed?
This is a bad habit to get in to, My Husbands cousin used to do it, she fell asleep one time, rolled on to her baby, and he suffocated! Perhaps it would work if you just let him cry for a couple of times, he will soon get the message, please try hard, good luck xxHow can I move my baby out of my bed?
use your arms or hire an home health care aide to assist if you're unable.
I am glad you have your baby son in your bed, this a much frowned-upon habit but having brought up four children I believe this is perfectly natural and improves the bonding process. As my first three pregnancies were close together, separated by a little over a year, obviously moving each to a separate bed was essential. I simply had a single bed alongside our double bed, against the wall, then if one woke up during the night I was able to quickly attend to his/her needs. You might want to do the same, a cot creates a barrier.
having your baby in your bed is a big no no. just settle him down and put him in his cot if he cries leave him he wil soon get the message he has to sleep there. and for those who say its ok to sleep with a baby in your bed its not it greatly increases the risk of cot death and can kill your baby so please do not do this. it happened to someone i know she had her baby in her bed and she rolled over on him in the night and he nearly died luckily she awokeup before it was too late. but he had to go into hospital for a few days.
Try to put his cot next to your bed, because babies needs mum to be next to them and after he get used on it try to move the cot to his place..
The waking up bit there is really nothing u can do now... So u just have to keep up with it..when he starts eating food before bed time and then bottle he will sleep longer. For now... I would suggest that if u can... but ask your mom and partner first... THe baby's cot get it next to ur bed and get one side down.... and so he is next to u...for a few days...put in some teddy bears for him in there...sleep like that with him for a few days like 4 or 5 days and then see what happens when u put one side up.... I think he will be fine... But make sure that its safe and there is no gap between u and ur bed by double checking with ur mom and partner! He will get used to it and think ur there when u move his cot to where u want to place it
Well I went through a similar experience.When my daughter was about 7 months old would fall asleep around 8 pm and wake around 2 am, but I would not take her to bed with me, it would have been easier and I would have gotten a lot more sleep, but that is a habit I didn't want her getting into (she co slept with me from 0-3 mos, so it was easy (ier) to transition her at that point) I would sometimes be up with her for 3-4 hours!! Same thing she would fall asleep and within 10-15 min she would wake crying..I would rock her and walk with her (in her room, if I took her out she would think playtime) Some people do not mind co-sleeping but sounds like you want him in his own cot, unfortunately my best advise is to suck it up and not bring him to your bed to sleep, you may be putting him back to sleep every 10 min but he WILL fall asleep eventually for the night.. There will be some long nights and it sucks haha trust me.. My daughter just started sleeping through the night 2 weeks ago and she is almost 10 months and I wanted so bad to just bring her to my bed so I could get a couple hours of sleep, but I didn't and she sleeps great by herself now. Good Luck
my baby (6 months) still sleeping with me.. he wake up every 2 hours for breastfeed and not really agree to put him in cot.. i'm too sleepy to take him out and in the cot and afraid i might drop him..
I had the same problem a few months ago. I would stay up for an hour with my baby in my bed until she was fast asleep again and then put her back in her cot. I took my mums advice in the end (i have been working full time since my baby was 10 weeks and i was so tired all the time being up waiting for her to get into a deep sleep again) i started putting a rusk in her last bottle at night and since then she has slept 9.30pm until 6am. everybody says you shouldn't put a rusk in babies bottles but i make sure it is not thicker then her usual bottle (i add extra milk) and my mum used to do it with all 6 of us children and we are all fine! Im not saying that this is what you should do but this is the only thing i can do to ensure she sleeps without waking for no reason (obviously i wouldn't do it if she was waking for a bottle at night still but she was just waking up to come into my bed)

Also, at this age (my daughter is 6 months now) she is teething and i sometimes give her calpol before bed to settle her gums as she was waking up because of this (very distressed and wanting to bite everything and would not settle no matter what i done.) i can now read the signs of her teeth being bad that night and give her calpol to help her.
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