my sister wanted me to walk her to the park in a few because she cant walk alone, and i said fine and she went to go get changed.
so like a little bit later shes done getting changed and she comes down in a tiny tanktop that shows her bra (actually it was MY bra and you could see it was too big on her) and tiny short shorts.
and she had on an @$$ load of eyeliner and eyeshadow.
and i was like, ';You are NOT walking out of the house like that!';
and she was like, ';WHY?!?!?!';
and i was like, ';you look like a s|ut!';
and she threatened to tell my dad about my hickey if i didnt let her wear that.
(btw my dad is working thats why hes not home, and if u didnt read my last question i live with my dad not mom :P)
and like i walked her there and her friends were there wearing tiny tanks and some even super super ow v necks. and they were all wearing either short shorts or short skirts.
and one was even wearing these tall @$$ wedges.
and not only that but there were BOYS there!! and i couldnt let my sister tell on my hickey so i let her go.
i mean dont get me wrong i wear tank tops, v necks, short shorts and short skirts, and wedges, and makeup and i hang with boys and crap but im a teenager! im 13! shes 11! she JUST turned 11 actually.
WHATS GOING ON!?!?! what should i do! my dad cant find out about my hickey but i mean what about my sister?
i mean i guess im okay with her outfit and stuff i mean it was pretty cute but she cant dress that way around BOYS until she is my age!
i mean she tries to be like me but im OLDER!
gosh im startin to think shes becoming a slut and i think she needs new friends
plese help.
and dont waste my time saying TROLL its ******* annoying.Wtf is with my sister? shes only 11 why is she like this?!?
I know your honestly concerned, and it sucks that your sister is acting this way. I'm 12, and i wear eyeliner and the right size of bras, but my eyeliner is usually silver or a neon color. I make sure my parents know how i look and approve sorta. For everyone who says she shouldn't have a hickey at 13, your absolutely right, but i'm more concerned about her sister. plus, thats what this question is about. Okay hun, your sister is in a phase. She wants to be cool and look 'sexy' for the boys. So let her wear the shirt, but make her put on a shirt under it. I'd say the shorts are fine. Also, I wear wedges that are pretty tall. My mom won't let me wear them with shorts because she thinks its inapropriate and i agree. Let your sister know that you are older, but what you did was wrong, and you love her for who she is, not what she's trying to be.Wtf is with my sister? shes only 11 why is she like this?!?
No, sweetie there really isn't a difference because in the years between eleven and thirteen you don't change much. Sure, you get either a tiny bit more mature or you get more stubborn and arogant. I think that latter applies to you at the moment. You must think you are so smart because you think
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All of us that have all ready been through all the stuff you are going through at your age are ignorant about the matter. Sure, acting like this seems alright now but how will you feel looking back on who you were when you are older and have a thirteen year old daughter that is following in the path
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of your mistakes? Self disapointment and remorse will probably be all that you feel then. So, cover your body and show a little self respect please before some boy uses you for all your worth then tosses you away like some old toy that now bores him.
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Honestly your still a little young for that to.... I'm 16 and wear that kind of stuff, but at 13? I never wore wedges and heavy makeup at 13. She's learning from you. just remember that
Ask her why she wants to be wearing all that stuff. And tell your dad about your hickey. he's going to find out someday. Why did u get a hickey in the first place. TROLL!!!!!
its two years you just seem like a ***** you are both clearly whores and that is sad
calm urself. ur barely a teenager. if you don't want your sister being a slut, then you gotta stop too.
You act like you're so grown up. You are 13! You shouldn't even be wearing those types of clothing, nor should you have hickeys. I think that your dad needs to punish both of you. You sound like you have a real attitude problem to be honest. You both could use a good spanking in my opinion.
You make thirteen sound like you are wise beyond your years. You are not. Your eleven year old sister is walking right in your footsteps. You are hardly that much older than her, but you're supposed to be a good role model. And you shouldn't be afraid when she threatens to tell on you. If you're so much more grown-up than your sister, why should you be afraid of silly parents?
I'm sorry but you're still too young. I'm 15 and I don't do half that crap, not because I'm prude or anything, but because I don't want to be a tease. Sorry, but I wouldn't put out for a guy I just met, so why should I show him my cleavage and legs? Shorts and tank tops are fine in the summer, but wearing them just to get attention is kind of slutty.
She's learning from you and it's only a 2 year difference, so don't act like it's a big deal. That's like me saying that since I've had hypothetical sex(which I'm pleading the 5th on, neither confirming or denying) you can't even have a hickey.
Just be a good influence on your sister. If you do keep wearing what you do and acting how you act, do it around other people, not your impressionable 11-year-old sister.
Why do all thirteen year olds think they know everything and are like the most awesome thing that ever walked the earth? It is TWO years difference between you and your sister that doesn't make you queen and her a lowly peasant that can't do any of the stuff you do. I'm sixteen ( seventeen in October ) so yeah I wear mini skirts ( with leggings underneath ) and make up ( simple eyeliner ) but I am also less then two years away from being an adult. To me you both seem to be a little slut-ish and should really stop dressing that way around boy at ANY AGE unless you want to give them the wrong idea. Also, stop thinking you are freaking God because you are thirteen!
You shouldn't be doing any of this either.. You're thirteen, not sixteen. I'm fifteen and I still don't wear things like that. You shouldn't have let her go, and you shouldn't have a hickey anyways so maybe you SHOULD get introuble.
Just like you feel that you can do a whole bunch of things because you're 13, she feels she can do teenage stuff at 11.
At 13, you shouldn't even be giving each other love bites- 90% of the time the relationship fades away faster than the bite!
It's only a 2 year difference, so you can't say you can do a whole bunch more than her. You see how you think you can though? That's exactly how she feels about her clothes at her age.
All in all, you both sound childish, immature, and turning into sluts- you're just taking a step farther because you really think you're old enough to do whatever. You think you're mature because you're 13. You're just barely a teenager.
Why are you acting like you're 23?
You're f*cking 13. You're NOT all grown and stuff.
I'm a year older than you and I don't even do any of that crap. She's obviously getting all this stuff from you. Maybe you should start acting like a role model instead of letting boys suck your neck.
The rights of a 13 year old are exactly the same as an 11 year old's. Sorry ladies, you're both not in the right.
She shouldn't be wearing stuff like that, but neither should YOU! You are THIRTEEN not twenty? I never did anything like that when I was 13, and still don't do that.
The only advice I can give you is set a GOOD EXAMPLE for her. If you are walking around with hickeys on your neck, more than likely she is going to look up to you and want to be like that also.
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