Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Does my betta have fin rot?!?

My newly bought red male veiltail betta seems to have fin rot. His tail is beginning to have white/clear tips instead of the original black, and it seems to look more like a crowntail's tail. I do 50% water changes every Friday for his 3 litre tank (which I know is not big enough, I'm going to buy a new one soon). I'm going to change his water today so if you know any medication I should use, please tell me so i can buy it and use it today ASAP! I don't want him to die...:(. I'm new to taking care of bettas so please help me out here. I've also got live plants in the tank, so I'm pretty sure it's not cause he scratched himself against it. Also, there are no tank mates so I know he didn't get nipped. I don't get it, he blew a bubble nest today, so is he healthy or not? Please teach me how to treat fin rot and if my betta has it or not.

Here are some pictures of him (thought it's not that clear)



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