Sunday, November 21, 2010

I gave my life to God so why do these things still come back to haunt me?

I prayed and asked God to forgive me for all my sins and help me i gave him my life i said God i want o live for you and i feel really great but mom is just on to me lately like i was accidentally late to school and shes onto me she doesn't really know about me trieng to change but i made a mistake and prayed about it i mean we all will right but she has been really getting onto me and i failed some of my 9 weeks classes but i passed for the semester so she is onto me how can i show her i a sorry and i am going to improve next year.I gave my life to God so why do these things still come back to haunt me?
Try to understand GOD better. Don't listen to atheists. Read more about the religions of the world . Your performance will improve both in school and with the real world.I gave my life to God so why do these things still come back to haunt me?
Easy question.

God isn't real and you are too gullible to understand that.
Maybe you should actually DO something about your problems instead of talking to your imaginary friend about them.
So your mom is the devil?

Ah, high school. I miss those days. Life was easy, no pressure to heal the sick and get crucified...
I'm guessing writing, spelling and grammar were not your strong points...

So since giving your life to God, what has changed?
God won't save you from day to day problems. Improve how you behave and maybe your mother will ease up on you.
Keep trying. It takes time.

Talk to her. Be honest. She will see that you are trying to be better. I wish you all the best.
God isn't a magic formula, all his disciples died... this isn't a promise for a good life despite what Joel osteen tell you. the promise is sins forgiven, not a trouble free life.

please read my article on how to be right with God
Let's pretend that the only sin is you must keep a clean room. Time goes by, and you haven't made your bed in forever, there's a pizza box under the bed, and it's gotten so bad that mold is growing in weird places.

Now, you get reconciled with God for this one sin (u've got a dirty room) ... would you expect that the room will be perfectly clean when you return? Most likely, God will let the cleaning of the room be a penance to help you avoid such behavior in the future ... however, sometimes, God will send a help (like a Mom, sister, friend) to help you clean it up ... and yes, sometimes that helper may do it all; but this scenario is rare!
its a test of your faith
Ask for a time in her schedule where the two of you can talk things out - both religiously and about school. Hopefully, that should stop the nagging by her about your grades. (You may want to start things off by promising her to tell the truth.)

I went though this in my Tenth grade year simply because I nearly flunked Geometry. I had zero's on all my homework, yet the teacher never gave me instructions or tell me what I was doing wrong. I was very scared when I brought that first report card home because I knew what would happen. Since I was doing fine in my other subjects (B average), my Mom knew something was wrong. My father looked into it, and found that the teacher of *that* class automatically flunked girls because he didn't like to teach them mathematics. I'm not sure what was said, but that grade went up....

So talk things out with your Mom. At least it may show her that you're serious about doing better in school.
God has forgiven you but it seems your mom might have trust issues. So show her by your actions you have changed..not just be on time or even early for school, get all your homework done on time, etc.

Keep this up and overtime if you remain faithful to get to school on time and do your homework, studies, etc...then she should come around.
But since you were late AFTER you gave your life to the Lord, that is not something that comes back to haunt you. You just did it. You have to try harder. There is no excuse for being late to class when you are a girl. Oh, when I was in high school over 30 years ago I would be late to geometry because I had to run across the school after I left my girlfriend when the buzzer rang. But I was so smart at the top of the class the teacher let me slide. But I was certainly not saved then.

Now that you gave your life to the Lord, that is not good enough. You have to have the goodness of God lead you to repentance (Romans 2:4). Once you repent then God will make you born again by the Holy Spirit. You will then have the power of God in your life to overcome the urge to sin. The Lord Jesus Christ will change yuour life. He sets us free from ther slavery to sin. We no longer practice sin. We practice righteousness. That's Christianity. Maybe your mom doesn't see much change in you because that has not happened yet.
You can't just pray to God and not try to change things yourself. He's not just pixie dust you can sprinkle on your problems. Try studying or doing a little extra around the house. But remember the worst thing you can do is disrespect you mom so make sure you're respectful to her too.
Dear Friend,

I appreciate your honesty in your question. When one gives their life to God, patience and perseverance are their best friends. Every single morning we need to wake up and start afresh with no residue from hurts of yesterdays. This is the true freedom, release from all the residues. This indeed is an everyday job. You can always pray for your mom but leave the timing to God only for non can force spiritual evolution on others. Everything at its own designated time. We cant be hasty about it but accept what is. Love yourself, meditate, pray, form loving bonds, give your heart in your studies, eat well, think well of everyone and have hope things will change for the better at the right time. God bless you always. Peace, Love and Blessings!
Faith is fine, but no substitute for action. ';God helps those who help themselves';. She will have more compassion for those who accept responsibility for their own lives. Does your Mom pray? She needs support, too. After all she has taken on responsibility for both of you, so she must lose patience if it appears (this is obvious) that you simply are not making the effort to raise your own standards.

Even resorting to Answers is denying responsibility for your own actions- in a word, ';Look within, not without';.

Here's how to test your own faith: Consider the possibility that you have been granted one single moment to ask your God(ess) one simple question- What would that question be?

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